We now have PAYPAL!

The Prince Hall Grand Chapter of Georgia now has PayPal! You can now pay for items such as taxes, endowments, and other fees and donations via PayPal to: phgcoesga.general@gmail.com
In order for this process to work successfully, please adhere to the following:
*The Grand Chapter will not accept payments from individuals that should be submitted by Chapters; for example, we will not accept your individual tax/endowment payment nor a reinstatement fee that should be paid by the Chapter on your behalf; if you are unsure, please discuss with your Worthy Matron or Secretary before submitting any individual payments using PayPal
*In the comments/notes section of your PayPal payment, you MUST include your Chapter name & # and your Chapter secretary’s name and contact info
*In the comments/notes section of your PayPal payment, you MUST include what you are paying for
*Please select the “Sending to a friend” option so that the Grand Chapter receives full payment without fees being taken out; if you do not select this option your payment will not be considered paid in full by the Grand Chapter
*if you are sending in payment for something that also requires a form such as tax/endowment payments, you are responsible for submitting those forms separately by the due date; your financial obligation is not considered fulfilled until both the payment AND completed form are received by the Grand Chapter office
*please use the official event registration links to submit payments for Grand Session, Mid-Winter Meeting, and Prince Hall Day; do not submit using PayPal
Log on with your Chapter’s PayPal account HERE and enter phgcoesga.general@gmail.com as the recipient to start sending payments today!
Thank you in advance for adhering to the guidelines above.