
Support Prince Hall Grand Chapter Scholarships on AmazonSmile

The Prince Hall Grand Chapter of Georgia awards hundreds of scholarships to college students each year to support their educational goals. Our last jurisdiction-wide scholarship initiative raised over $200,000 for college scholarships. Wouldn’t you like to join our commitment to youth and education?

Click HERE to join/update your Amazon account with AmazonSmile. Many of you already shop on Amazon, so why not have a percentage of your purchases go towards college scholarships at no extra cost to you. It only takes a couple of minutes to search & select PRINCE HALL GRAND CHAPTER OES FOUNDATION (Riverdale, GA) as your charity on AmazonSmile. Be sure that you select PRINCE HALL GRAND CHAPTER OES FOUNDATION in Riverdale, GA because there are several charities listed with similar names.

The Prince Hall Grand Chapter is about 5,000 members strong, let’s take AmazonSmile by storm! Tell your family and friends.